Monday, January 30, 2012

How to Reduce Prolonged Standing and Walking Hazards at Workplace?

Many jobs require workers to stand or walk through out eight hours of work shift . For examples, construction workers, manufacturing or service industries. Prolonged walking or standing most of the time will give a serious effect to the lower limb and can cause problem to the lower back. The following is few recommendations on control measures that might help to minimize these problem to related workers.

1. Anti fatigue mats
  • The most effective padding is anti fatigue mats. Anti fatigue mats provide cushioning between the feet and hard working surfaces such as concrete floors. This cushioning effect will help to reduce muscle fatigue and lower back pain. However too much of cushioning will give vary effects too.It is essential to test and choose the right mats before purchase. Mats that become slippery and wet should be avoided. In areas where chemicals are used, be sure to select mats that will hold up to the degrading effects of chemicals.
2. Shoes inserts
  • If anti fatigue mats are not practicable due to mobile work activities, shoe inserts may be the answer. It is worn inside the shoe and provide the same function as anti fatigues mats. Shoes inserts may reduce lower back, foot and leg pain.
3. Sufficient breaks and job rotation.
  • Standing or walking continuously in extended working period will give fatigue and discomfort to legs. Adequate and enough rest at work is essential to reduce lower limb effects. Implement job rotation whenever possible.
4. Workplace design
  • A well design of workstation is one of the important factors. It can can help relieve the hazards of prolonged standing. It should be designed to make the worker able to move about while they work and the height must be adjustable to ensure it feed their physical needs.
5. Provide sit/ stand chairs
  • Basically this is an ergonomic type of chairs. It is higher than a normal chair that allow workers to have a quick mini breaks after standing for some period. It give advantages to workers to let their legs,feet and back an occasional rest without introducing new hazards associated with lower chairs.
6. Comfortable and proper footwear
  • It is important to wear a proper shoes during working hours especially for those who works in standing or walking position for prolonged period. Comfortable and well fitting shoes that grip the work surface and allow free movement of the toes are the best.

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