Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to Conduct Tool Box Meeting

What is tool box meeting?

Informal groups discussions among employees of an individual department that focuses on a particular safety issue.

1. Present it, not read it!

The tool box meeting is a talk about important issue. The presenter should review a topic material before meeting and present it to the workers. It's okay to refer notes but do not read notes!

2. Who should present a tool box meeting?

It must be present by someone who has training to conduct this tool box meeting such like supervisor, SHO, or a person of similar responsibility.

3. What topic should be presented?

The presenter should talk about hazards in their workplace. The hazards must be relevant to your workplace.

4. How long and often should be conducted?

It is only takes 10-15 minutes in a monthly tool box meeting. When you talk too long, the audience or the workers will feel bored and easily forgotten about what you say in that meeting.

5. When to conduct the tool box meeting?

The meeting should be held in a leisure and location. e.g. - at the beginning of the shift, after lunch or break or incorporated into another operational meeting.