Friday, January 27, 2012

First Aid Program

Long time ago, first aid are often administered to injured workers by doctors or nurses. As everything is getting advance, now even employees can handle and provide first aid by themselves. This greatly influenced safety at the workplace and thus prevent any injuries from escalating. As time passes by, workplace environment changes as well. To adept to these changes, first aid is moving towards a direction that we all know today.

Providing medical attention and immediately giving first treatment after the occurrence of injuries at the same location before emergency medical treatment can be apply. That is called first aid. First aid does not involve use of complicated tools and only require basic knowledge and training to administer first aid. Injuries can varies from wounds or bleeding due to minor cuts, laceration, abrasions, cramps, burns, musculoskeletal injuries, cardiac arrest and etc.

Employers can develop first aid training program at the workplace. But for the program to be successful, it requires involvement of the management and the employees. First employers should obtain information regarding of injuries and fatalities of a workplace. This will help employers to identify what they need for the first aid program. Then they can design and implement the program specifically according to the workplace. Communicating the procedures to the workers about the program is essential. This is important for workers who may not read or speak Malay or English. The program should be review from time to time especially when there are changes made to the workplace environment to determine whether any outdated training, knowledge or skills should be updated.

Life threatening event happens everywhere, at home, at the workplace, or even at public places. If safety and health can be maintain effectively at the workplace, this will reduce any work related injuries or illnesses and at the same time reduce any related cost.

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