Monday, December 26, 2011

Emergency Procedures at Ship



In the event of fire on deck or in the cabin areas, there are three dry chemical fire extinguishers available. These are located:

  • In the cabinet under the aft deck wet bar.
  • In the aft cabin closet.
  • Under the port seat in the cockpit.

To use these units, you should:

  • PULL THE PIN from the extinguisher handle.
  • POINT THE NOZZLE of the extinguisher at the BASE of the flames.
  • SQUEEZE THE HANDLE and sweep the powder stream from side to side.
  • WATCH for re-flash and be prepared to use additional units if needed.

Should the fire be in bedding or a cushion, water may be needed to extinguish the remainder of the smoldering materials. Use copious quantities of water from the galley and pour on the fire as needed.

Fire in the engine room:

While underway also when hatces are closed

In the event of a fire in the engine room, DO NOT OPEN THE HATCHES. Shut down all engines, machinery, and blowers. The fixed Halon extinguishing system will actuate and should extinguish the fire. Any further fire extinguishing efforts should be undertaken carefully, as opening the hatches may result in flare up of incompletely extinguished materials. If you MUST open the hatches, stand by with an extinguisher at the ready and do so very carefully.

When hatches are open:

This should be treated as a cabin or deck fire and hand portable extinguishers used as above. However, if the fire cannot be controlled with hand extinguishers, it is likely best to close the hatches and wait for the fixed Halon extinguishing system to activate. Then, handle as above.

Personal Flotation Devices

(Life Jackets)

A personal flotation device has been provided for every person on board this vessel. These are for your own protection. The sea is a very unforgiving environment, and you can't stay afloat long without a life jacket. Life jackets or life vests are located in the yellow "LIFE JACKET" bag in the cockpit and also in the compartment under the port side mates seat in the cockpit.

Read the instructions on the life jacket or vest for complete information on how to put it on and fasten it securely. If you don't know how to use it, ASK THE CREW NOW. We'll be glad to show you how. Don't wait until you really need it to ask.

If you do not swim, you should wear your life jacket at all times, particularly when you venture outside the cabin or cockpit areas. Even if you are a good swimmer, you should wear your life jacket whenever conditions warrant. And, during severe sea conditions, or whenever the captain indicates he believes it is prudent to do so

Everyone will wear their personal flotation device!

Children who do not swim will be required to wear life jackets at all times. Parents or guardians will be asked to bring appropriate personal flotation devices for their children, and will be expected to do so. We will make every attempt to accommodate everyone with the correct size life jacket, but if there is even one person who does not have an appropriate personal flotation device available, WE WILL NOT LEAVE THE DOCK! No day on the water is worth endangering a human life.

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