A construction worker was killed Wednesday when a welding torch apparently ignited his clothes while he was working inside a steel drainage pipe at a construction site at Highway 29 in Napa.
The man, whose name was not released, was trapped inside the pipe and burned to death, according to the Napa Fire Department.
The worker had entered the pipe to perform either welding or cutting with an acetylene torch. The pipe was 24 inches in diameter, and the man was about 40 feet inside the pipe when the fire broke out.
How to prevent?
Let's be clear about welding safety: I will discuss safety issues throughout this site.
These are the areas that I will cover:
* Safe clothing
* Fire safety
* Use of arc welding equipment
* Use of the torch
* Safe practices in general
* Equipment gone bad
* Arc "flashes, shocks, burns, "pinch points", and more
>Clothing can be a real pain-saver for you, literally.
>Fire prevention is better than fire fighting!
>Arc welding equipment involves many hazards. I'll fill you in.
>The torch can burn you INSTANTLY.
>There are several general safety issues about every aspect of welding, cutting, & material handling.
>"Stuff happens" to equipment that can make it unsafe.
>Other safety examples include: arc flashes, shocks, burns, safe material handling, & more.