Sunday, December 18, 2011

Demolition Safety

In the Malaysia industry the demolish of the building not to be the first becoming hazard in reconstruction area cause we don’t have an experts person and not have many building in the Malaysia need to demolish. Demolition safety is an important topics that should be discussed any time you are doing demolition work. Buildi

ngs that are being demolished can be full of hazards. Practicing demolition safety will help you reduce injuries and accidents.

Demolition Safety Gear For The Construction Site

Before you can begin reconstruction after a demolition you must first clean up the

area. When cleaning up the debris from a demolished building it is
important to wear the correct type of personal protective gear to reduce the chances of injuries and accidents.

Every worker should be required to wear leather steel tipped work boots. They are useful in protecting your feet from stray nails and wood shards. The steel tipped toes are added protection against objects that could fall and cause injuries to your toes. You should also require leather gloves for anyone that will be picking up pieces of the debris with their hands. Leather gloves are a good way to protect your hands from small pieces of glass or wood that could cause splinters.

Another great piece of personal protective gear is the hard hat. Under OSHA guidelines you are required to wear a hard hat anytime there is danger of objects falling from above that could cause head trauma. Every person should wear a hat that is fitted to their head. This is the best way to insure maximum safety when they are being worn. Also check your hat each morning to see if there are cracks of holes of any size. If there is even a tiny problem with the hard hat it’s integrity may have been compromised and it should be replaced immediately.

Wearing protective face mask while removing debris is a major part of construction demolition safety equipment. A face mask will prevent small dust and wood particles from entering your lungs. You may not feel the effects immediately but over time the build up of particles in your lungs can begin to cause severe health issues. Many people often begin suffering from asthma and some even die because it becomes to much for their bodies to handle.

Preventing demolition

Demolition sites can be full of dangers. Preventing demolition accidents by practicing safety in the workplace is the best way to avoid unnecessary injuries. There are many different demolition accidents that can occur if the correct safety guidelines and precautions are not followed at all times. Training courses and employee meetings are a great way to teach everyone about preventing demolition accidents.

Common Demolition Accidents And Injuries

1. Head injuries can be caused by a number of things. A person falling from a height of more than 3 feet or a piece of falling building. You can reduce falling head injuries by requiring all employees that are working above the ground to wear a safety harness. Hard hats are the best way to reduce injuries that are caused by falling objects.

2. Cave Ins are a huge problem at demolition sites. Most buildings that are being demolished are in poor condition. Certain walls and floors may be compromised and give out if there is to much pressure but on them. That is why it is important to brace the walls in any room or walkways you will have to use before demolition can begin. Always have employees work in pairs this way if an accident occurs one of them should be able to get help. Make sure everyone in the building has a working cell phone or walkie talkie to communicate with someone outside of the building.

3. Cuts,breaks and strains can occur at anytime while at a demolition site. The best way to reduce cutting accidents is to wear leather work gloves. They will protect your hand from most materials such as small glass shards,wood shards and other abrasive materials. Gloves should always be worn while you are in the building or cleaning up the debris after the job is finished. You can reduce the number of broken bones by keeping walkways clear and watching your step. Strains are generally caused by lifting incorrectly.

4. Crane accidents can be harmful to many people at the same time. That is why crane safety is so important. All workers should know crane hand signals so they can communicate with the crane operator. Any person that is driving the crane is required to be licensed and certified in the proper use of heavy machinery. Make sure the building is completely empty before you begin using the crane.

Demolition Safety Tips

Demolitions are a huge part of construction work. They can be extremely dangerous if all of the proper guidelines and regulations that are set by OSHA are not followed. Using posters,signs and safety meetings are a great way to share demolition safety tips with everyone at work. The promotion of demolition safety tips will keep everyone safe while working. Small tips and reminders are the best way to help others remember safety guidelines.

Best 7 Demolition Safety Tips For The Workplace

1. Train all employees on what type of safety gear they should be wearing at a demolition site. You should also teach them how to use the protective gear correctly so that it will be effective in reducing injuries.

2. All workers should be required to wear a hard hat anytime they are near the demolition site. There are falling hazards all over and even the tiniest movement could cause a cave in or a piece of debris to fall from above.

3. Along with hard hats you are required to wear face mask,work boots and gloves. The boots and gloves should both be made of leather. If it is at all possible to wear steel tipped boots they will protect your toes better than regular shoes.

4. Always check each room in the building giving the final okay to demolish the building. Make sure all workers have exited the building and are at a safe distance.

5. Only experienced and trained employees should be allowed to handle explosives that are being used.

6. All ceilings and walkways should be braced if it is required for people to enter the building for any reason.

7. When clearing the debris only employees that are trained and licensed to work with heavy machinery such as bulldozer and cranes should be in the area.

Demolitions Safety Manual Tips

Below is a list of the most common and most useful demolition safety manual tips. They should be put into practice at all demolition sites. By using the safety manual all employees will be following the same rules and regulations. This will insure the job is done properly and with minimal to no injuries.

1. Check the entire building before demolition begins. Make sure it is completely clear of workers and squatters. Many times people will take up residence in an old or run down building just to be out of the weather. You must check to make sure that no person is left in the building.

2. Always wear protective safety gear while working in or near a demolition site. All workers should wear a hard hat at all times. There are many falling objects hazards that could cause serious damage to your head and neck. Leather and steel toed boots are also required in areas where heavy objects could fall onto your foot. If you are working in the building to remove walls or other barriers you should always wear a face mask to avoid inhalation of dust and other small particles in the air.

3. If you are using explosives for the demolition they must only be handled by persons that are qualified and professionally trained to work with it. Explosives can be extremely deadly if they are not properly stored and set off.

4. Make sure all utilities have been shut off in the building. This includes electric,gas and water. If they are left on the gas could cause an explosion. Also water mains that are full when the building is demolished will cause flooding to the area.

5. When cleaning up after a building has been demolished make sure all workers are wearing face mask. There is going to be a ton of debris and potential harmful particles in the air. If you are picking up smaller pieces that the bulldozer has left behind you should be wearing leather gloves. They will help prevent splinters and cuts on your hands.

If you are unsure about something check your demolition safety manual for an answer. There is no reason to guess if you are doing the job correctly when you have the resources to help you.

Demolition Checklist Safety Tips

Demolition is often necessary to remove any structures that are in the way of new construction. there are several ways a structure can be demolished small buildings are often torn down by using cranes and bulldozers. Larger buildings often require wreaking balls to reach the higher floors of the building. Being a demolition man can be a dangerous job if you are not trained properly. Following a demolition safety checklist will help you remember your training and keep you safe while at work.

Demolition Checklist Safety Tips

1. Has a demolition plan be though up? Has it been double checked to insure safety?

2. Have you Designated an area for the debris to be transported to after the demolition is complete?

3. Shut off all utilities before you start the job. These included water,electric,sewer and gas. If any of these are left on it could cause a major disaster.

4. Always begin at the top floor of the building and work your way down during a demolition.

5. If workers have to enter the building there should be braces placed on the floors and walls wherever there are people.

6. If you are using a floor disposal system the hole must be no larger than twenty five percent of the rooms floor.

7. Place chutes where ever you are disposing of debris from high areas. The chutes should lead directly to a trash container such as a dumpster.

8. Any ornamental stonework must be removed before the building is completely demolished.

9. All heavy machinery should be inspected by a certified professional before each job to insure it is in proper working condition.

10. Always wear your personal protective equipment while at a demolition site. This includes hard hats to prevent head injuries form falling debris. Safety goggles to prevent dust and other foreign objects form entering your eyes. Work boots that are made of leather and steel tipped will help protect your feet from falling objects.

11. Always inspect all personal safety gear before each use to make sure there are no cracks,dents or breaks that could compromise the equipment.

12. Are the people using the bulldozers and cranes trained in the safe way to operate the heavy machinery?

This demolition safety checklist has just a few things you should be asking yourself everyday while at a construction site. There is often no second chances in safety. If you miss you opportunity to think and work safe the first time you may not be around for the second time. Using a demolition safety checklist will help you live to see another day by thinking and working safely.



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  4. These are awesome safety tips! There are so many things that could happen with big demolition projects, it's important to be prepared and protected. I'd definitely say that checking the building you're demolishing beforehand is important. That's one of the easiest ways to make sure everyone stays safe.

  5. I think safety harnesses are a great idea. We implemented those at a brick masonry yard where I used to work. They felt awkward at first, but it was nice knowing that you would be safe if you slipped on the equipment. This kind of safety seems really important in a demolition setting.



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  7. Thanks for sharing. These are great safety tips. Totally agree with having certified professional to inspect and operate the cranes. Not only the personnel should be trained but also the crane safety systems must be properly installed and in working condition as per OSHA guidelines.
