Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Job Stress In Our Workday


Stress in job or job stress is a common issues that we heard in our daily life. Regardless of occupation, seniority, or salary level, we’re spending more and more of our work days feeling frazzled and out of control, instead of alert and relaxed. While some stress is a normal part of the workplace, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and reduce your physical and emotional health. The ability to manage stress in the workplace can not only improve your physical and emotional health, it can also make the difference between success or failure on the job.

Signs and symptoms of excessive job and workplace stress

  • feeling anxious, irritable or depressed
  • apathy, loss of interest in work
  • problems sleeping
  • fatigue
  • trouble concentrating
  • muscle tension & headache

Emotional intelligence in the workplace:

Emotional intelligence in the workplace has four major components:

§ Self-awareness – The ability to recognize your emotions and their impact while using gut feelings to guide your decisions.

§ Self-management – The ability to control your emotions and behavior and adapt to changing circumstances.

§ Social awareness – The ability to sense, understand, and react to other's emotions and feel comfortable socially.

§ Relationship management – The ability to inspire, influence, and connect to others and manage conflict.

Five ways to reduce stress

ü Take time away

ü Talk it over with someone

ü Connect with others at work

ü Look for humor in the situation