Friday, December 23, 2011

Little Info on Fire Drill

There should be an appointed person at managerial level whom to be responsible for organizing the routine and training of personnel in Fire Drills and Evacuation Procedure in each premises.
Their duties should include the following:-

1. General supervision of all matters relating to evacuation drills.

2. Co-ordination with other occupancies in the building for general evacuation drills.

3. Appointing and training key personnel for special duties in the event of fire.

4. Ensuring that passages, gangways, exits etc. are kept free from obstruction. All exit doors function correctly and are not locked with unauthorized fastenings during working hours.

5. Preparation and posting of conspicuous notices detailing fire and evacuation duties and procedure.

6. Maintenance and training in the use of fire appliances.

7. Testing of fire alarm systems and emergency lighting.


1. Personnel should be made familiar with the escape routes from the premises. Routes which are not in normal use, e.g. the external fire escape or emergency fire escape, should be traversed by all personnel periodically.

2. Responsible persons should be appointed as “Fire Wardens". They should be trained in the use of fire-fighting appliances and elementary fire-fighting.

3. It is advisable that as many persons as possible should be trained on how to use fire extinguishers

4. Persons should be detailed to ensure that all personnel are evacuated from the premises, including such places as toilets, rest rooms,canteen etc.

5. An assembly point should be established, with the co-operation of the owners and other tenants, preferably in a position not likely to obstruct the activities of the Fire Service.

6. A person or persons should be charged with checking that all employees report to the assembly point. Arrangements should be made for a nominal roll of all occupants to be immediately available at the assembly point. The importance of ensuring that the list is always
complete and up-to-date cannot be over-emphasized.

7. All personnel should be made familiar with the telephone arrangements and fire alarm system in the premises.



    1. i just posted new one to replace this one. "Pregnant women at Work". Kindly go through. TQ miss.
